This page is confirmation that your web hosting account is working perfectly and that your domain has finished updating. You can now remove this page and begin to build your website. We also provide a mix of products/services which can help you get your new website up and running.
How to remove this page
To remove this page:
- Login to your control panel (Login details inside your welcome email)
- Scroll down to files and click on the file manager icon
- Make sure "web root" is selected and click OK
- You should now be in a folder called "public_html". This is where you need to store your website files
- This page is named "index.html", go ahead and delete this file or replace it with your own website files
How to build your website
If you're new to building websites we recommend using Wordpress. WordPress is a free software, this means you are free to download, install, use and modify it. You can use it to create any kind of website. It is also open source which means the source code of the software is available for any one to study, modify and play with. Most importantly this means that you have full control of your website. There are currently 2600+ WordPress themes and 31,000+ plugins available for free allowing you to easily build a quality website. Learn more about Wordpress >>
You can install Wordpress easily from inside your cPanel account. Simply search for the Softaculous/QuickInstall icon and follow the on screen instructions.
We provide a mix of optional products/services to help you get your website up and running.
Domain registration
Register a new domain or transfer an existing one to your Your Company account.
Monitoring Service
Monitor your servers, websites, and IPs to get up-to-the-minute reporting and alerts
Web design
Need custom web desing for your new website? We provide a custom web design service.
SSL Certificates
Enhance and Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors with SSL Certificates.